UKSOL Enjoys A Busy Exhibition at Solar & Storage Live

UKSOL was in the spotlight at the 2023 Solar & Storage Live event held at the NEC, Birmingham, as their exhibition booth buzzed with enthusiastic energy. Attendees were drawn to the UKSOL optimised ECO Innovation Measure solar module and the UKSOL 370w flexible module on display as well as the latest solar innovations which were showcased with flair.

The booth echoed with engaging conversations as UKSOL experts passionately discussed innovative solar solutions for UK and international solar installers.

Visitors were captivated by the cutting-edge technology on display. The atmosphere was electric, reflecting the excitement around sustainable energy. UKSOL's team navigated through the sea of curious faces, answering questions, exchanging ideas, and forming connections. It was more than just an exhibition; it was a dynamic exchange of insights and a celebration of a solar-powered future. The NEC was abuzz with the promise of cleaner, greener energy, and UKSOL stands tall at the forefront, enjoying every moment of a bustling, successful event.