UKSOL N-Type Mono Cell Technology

430-700w N-type TOPCON solar module options

UKSOL N-type solar photovoltaic (PV) modules work on the principle of converting sunlight into electricity through the photovoltaic effect. The "N-type" refers to the type of semiconductor material used in the solar cells, which is typically made of silicon. There are two main types of semiconductor materials used in solar cells: N-type (negative) and P-type (positive).

Here's how UKSOL N-type solar PV modules work:

1. Semiconductor Material: N-type solar cells are made using a silicon wafer as the base material. The silicon is doped with impurities (usually phosphorous) to create an excess of free electrons, giving it a negative charge.

2. Formation of Junction: The N-type silicon wafer is then combined with a P-type silicon layer, which has been doped with a different impurity (usually boron) to create a deficiency of electrons, giving it a positive charge. The boundary where these two layers meet is called the P-N junction.

3. Photovoltaic Effect: When sunlight (photons) strikes the surface of the N-type silicon, it excites the electrons, providing them with enough energy to break free from their atomic bonds and create electron-hole pairs. The electrons move towards the N-type side, and the holes move towards the P-type side, creating an internal electric field at the P-N junction.

4. Electron Flow: This internal electric field causes the free electrons to flow from the N-type side to the P-type side of the cell. This movement of electrons creates an electric current in the external circuit connected to the solar cell.

5. Collection of Electricity: Metal contacts are placed on the top and bottom surfaces of the N-type solar cell to collect the generated electricity. The electric current flows through the contacts and can be utilized to power electrical devices or fed into the electrical grid.

Advantages of N-type solar cells include higher efficiency and better performance under high temperatures compared to traditional P-type solar cells. N-type cells also tend to have lower rates of light-induced degradation (LID), where their efficiency decreases after initial exposure to sunlight.

In summary, N-type solar PV modules use a specially doped semiconductor material to generate an electric current by capturing photons from sunlight and converting their energy into usable electricity.


UKSOL has a global production capacity of over 2MW per day.


All UKSOL solar modules come a with a 12 year British product warranty and a 30 year British Performance warranty.

UKSOL’s warranty is managed, supported and serviced from the UK.


UKSOL working with PV Cycle complies with UK laws regarding Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) as defined by The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations).

UKSOL Data Sheets N-Type SOlar modules:

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